Memory Boxes
I am extremely pleased to announce that I have been awarded a grant from York Dementia Action Alliance (York DAA), to develop interactive ‘Memory Boxes’ for people living with dementia. Cyanotype-coated origami boxes / shapes will, in collaboration with digital arts / sound specialist Paul Fothergill, be ‘implanted’ with interactive …
Basho at the Ferens Gallery
I have a set of haiku books, which I have read time and again for more than 15 years. They are by Reginald Horace Blyth, and they are beautiful. This summer, in a birch wood on the Black Isle, one poem hit me – a heart-stopping, dizzy moment when everything …
Let Us Satisfy Our Eyes
The Archive at York Explore is a memory box for the City, full of fragments, reminders, facts, conjecture, gossip and whimsy. It is, as are all such resources, a selective memory, analogous to a description of human memory, in that “you do not remember what happened – what you remember …