Memory Boxes
I am extremely pleased to announce that I have been awarded a grant from York Dementia Action Alliance (York DAA), to develop interactive ‘Memory Boxes’ for people living with dementia. Cyanotype-coated origami boxes / shapes will, in collaboration with digital arts / sound specialist Paul Fothergill, be ‘implanted’ with interactive …
Basho at the Ferens Gallery
I have a set of haiku books, which I have read time and again for more than 15 years. They are by Reginald Horace Blyth, and they are beautiful. This summer, in a birch wood on the Black Isle, one poem hit me – a heart-stopping, dizzy moment when everything …
Let Us Satisfy Our Eyes
The Archive at York Explore is a memory box for the City, full of fragments, reminders, facts, conjecture, gossip and whimsy. It is, as are all such resources, a selective memory, analogous to a description of human memory, in that “you do not remember what happened – what you remember …
AIR Open 2017
In August I was fortunate to be selected for the AIR Open 2017. Curated by AIR Gallery / A4 Studios, the show has 40 great pieces on display until 30th September 2017. My selected work is ‘Spring Sprung’, a metamorphogram of a difficult to fold, kinetic origami form. Find out …
All Small Things Must Evolve Slowly
My first solo exhibition of cameraless photographs, ‘All Small Things Must Evolve Slowly’, is in place at the New Schoolhouse Gallery, York, from 25th July until the end of September 2017. The exhibition brings together three recent working strands. Firstly, the ‘Dream/Place’ series pieces, playing on the contradictory certainty and …