Pattern & Chaos (chapter, academic design book)
30 Memories of Porto (23.6.23) (for Mnemosyne group show, gallery AL859 Porto)
Repair Shop of Memory (philosophy research paper)
I Want To Speak Please (Minds & Voices)
Five Hectares (project with Chrysalis Arts Development)
No Maps For These Territories (philosopy research paper)
The Icosahedron of Theseus (philosophical research project)
York's Sporting Heritage (commission for York Library and Archives)
Eyes On The Prize (commissioned online course for CiC )
Crossing Sectors (professional development with Open Eye Gallery)
Sacrilege & Robbery (for All Saints Church, York)
Photographic Memory (solo exhibition at Dean Clough Galleries)
Six Degrees of Separation (installation for LOOK Photobiennial)
1000 Thanks to Plankton (installation for WE Wonder Noir festival)
Commissions for York Explore and Burnholme Library
Alun's work explores how memory makes us who we are, and how we, in turn, make memories what they are, both individually and as a society.
His works use cyanotype (cameraless photography), origami, stichcraft and other techniques.
To find out what cyanotypes are, click here.
Alun's biography and artistic statement are here.
Contact Alun here, or sign up below for updates on exhibitions, workshops and lectures.
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